.. meta:: :description: Information for developers of Roundup. Including directions on checking code from repository, how to run demo mode and execute tests. Code ==== Project history is maintained in `CHANGES.txt `_ file in code repository of Roundup, which can also be viewed online through SourceForge `web interface `_. Get sources ----------- Official **read-only access** to Mercurial repository is provided through :: hg clone http://hg.code.sf.net/p/roundup/code roundup **Read/write access** requires SSH password or SSH key authorization (see `SourceForge.net docs for details `_) :: hg clone ssh://USERNAME@hg.code.sf.net/p/roundup/code roundup You also need to be added as a Roundup developer for write access - ask for it on the :doc:`roundup-devel list `. Run demo -------- Roundup doesn't need any dependencies and works out of the box. Demo is accessible at http://localhost:8917/demo/ by default :: cd roundup python demo.py Execute tests ------------- :: python -m pytest test See repository `README.txt `_ for more info.