PostgreSQL/psycopg Backend

This are notes about PostqreSQL backend based on the psycopg adapter for Roundup issue tracker.


To use PostgreSQL as backend for storing roundup data, you should additionally install:

  1. PostgreSQL 8.x or higher

  2. The psycopg python interface to PostgreSQL

Note that you currently need at least version 2.8 of psycopg – the postgresql backend will work with 2.7 but if you’re using the native postgresql indexer you need at least 2.8. Also if you want to run the tests, these also need 2.8. If your distribution has an older version we suggest that you install into a python virtual environment.

Preparing the Database

Roundup can use Postgres in one of two ways:

  1. Roundup creates and uses a database

  2. Roundup uses a pre-created database and creates and uses a schema under the database.

In the examples below, replace roundupuser, rounduppw and roundupdb with suitable values.

This assumes that you are running Postgres on the same machine with Roundup. Using a remote database, setting up SSL/TLS and other authentication methods is beyond the scope of this documentation. However examples are welcome on the wiki or mailing list.

Creating a Role/User

For case 1 (Roundup user creates and uses a database) create a user using:

psql -c "CREATE ROLE roundupuser WITH CREATEDB LOGIN PASSWORD 'rounduppw';" -U postgres

After running roundup-admin init to create your databases, you can remove the CREATEDB permission using:

psql -c "ALTER ROLE roundupuser NOCREATEDB;"

If needed (e.g. you want to deploy a new tracker) you can use ALTER ROLE with CREATEDB to add the permission back.

For case 2 (Roundup user uses a schema under a pre-created database) you need to create the user:

psql -c "CREATE ROLE roundupuser LOGIN PASSWORD 'rounduppw';" -U postgres

This psql command connects as the postgres database superuser. You may need to run this under sudo as the postgres user or provide a password to become an admin on the postgres db process.

Creating a Database

For case 1, roundup will create the database on demand using the roundup_admin init command. So there is nothing to do here.

For case 2, run:

psql -c "CREATE DATABASE roundupdb;GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE roundupdb TO roundupuser;" -U postgres

This creates the database and allows the roundup user to create a new schema when running roundup_admin init.

Running the PostgreSQL unit tests

The user that you’re running the tests as will need to be able to access the postgresql database on the local machine and create and drop databases and schemas. See the config values in ‘test/’ about which database connection, name and user will be used.

At this time the following commands will setup the users and required databases:

sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE ROLE rounduptest WITH CREATEDB LOGIN PASSWORD 'rounduptest';" -U postgres

sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE ROLE rounduptest_schema LOGIN PASSWORD 'rounduptest';" -U postgres
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE rounduptest_schema;GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE rounduptest_schema TO rounduptest_schema;" -U postgres

Note rounduptest and rounduptest_schema are well known accounts, so you should remove/disable the accounts after testing and set up a suitable production account. You need to remove any database owned by rounduptest first. To clean everything up, something like this should work:

sudo -u postgres psql -c "DROP DATABASE rounduptest;" -U postgres
sudo -u postgres psql -c "DROP ROLE rounduptest;" -U postgres
sudo -u postgres psql -c "DROP DATABASE rounduptest_schema;" -U postgres
sudo -u postgres psql -c "DROP ROLE rounduptest_schema;" -U postgres

If the rounduptest database is left in a broken state (e.g. because of a crash during testing) dropping the database and restarting the tests should fix it. If you have issues while running the schema test, you can drop the rounduptest` schema in the ``rounduptest_schema database.


The postgresql backend was originally submitted by Federico Di Gregorio <>